Land Biomes

Provide background Narrative

Each biome is unique, affecting the appearance of a Land and providing the context for the richer narrative background that will emerge as the game evolves.

Barren Sands

For years, the wind has devoured the exposed rocks - rock forests - sticking out of the endless sands. Dust rivers slide between them, twisting among the dunes and flowing into the Ocean of Desolation. Spots of hard ground are covered with cracks; through them, gasses escape from the underground.

Glacier Wasteland

Chilling inhospitable lands covered with snow. Beneath them hide vast oceans of thick, viscous acid. The secrets of the planet's dark past are buried here.

Obsidian Badlands

Extremely abundant volcanic activity and abnormally high temperatures produce the lowest oxygen level on the planet. Never-hardening lava flows, saturated with molten metals, carve their way through ashen plains and obsidian rocks.

Blood Basin

Millennia ago, a wide variety of life forms once flourished here. Today red semi-sentient moss blankets the surface of these lands, giving the basins a distinct red color, and a wealth of organic resources can be found beneath the surface of this biome. This land is magnificent and still during the day, but transforms into something enigmatic during the night.

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